Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Prescription painkillers overtake car crashes as leading cause of accidental death in America

Prescription painkillers have topped car accidents as the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S., according to a new report.
Research by the National Center for Health Statistics show that drug poisoning is now a more common way to go than being killed on the road.
It follows recent celebrity deaths from painkillers, including Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith.

Drug deaths

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Free trial to quit smoking with Acupuncture and herbal patch

You will be satisfied with the effects within two weeks / four treatments. The first treatment will be FREE for you in September. Make your appointment today on the website or calling 203-465-9366.
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  • Hong Shang You will feel the difference after the first treatment, and hopefully, you will be set free from the harmful addiction in two weeks (four treatments)!

Quit Smoking with Chinese herb and acupuncture

According to World Health Organization (WHO), the smoking addiction is a mental neurogenic disease, in which the brain becomes dependent on the nicotine. Study confirmed that tobacco smoke contains many harmful substances such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, and that smoking is associated with many serious diseases including lung cancer, Cardio
vascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic bronchitis.

The herbal patch used in clovetree clinic attached to the skin, absorbed through the skin and into play, does not harm the liver or stomache. The active ingredients of the herb is circulated to brain through meridians and blood to eliminate its dependence on nicotine. The acupuncture applied can regulate internal organs, so as to achieve a new balance.

After the first treatments, People will develop a felling of disgust to the odd of smoking. After six treatments within three weeks, you can be set free from the shackles of addiction! The therapy, with the advantages of rapid effects, little side effects and inexpensiveness, is way better than the routine nicotine replacement therapy.